Honda CR-V: Cross Traffic Monitor* / When the System Detects a Vehicle

Honda CR-V 2017-2025 Owner's Manual / Driving / Parking Your Vehicle / Cross Traffic Monitor* / When the System Detects a Vehicle

Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle

An arrow icon appears on the side a vehicle is approaching on the audio/information screen.

If the Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle on the lower right changes to Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle when the transmission is in Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle, mud snow or ice may have accumulated in the vicinity of the sensor. Check the bumper corners for any obstructions, and thoroughly clean the area if necessary.

If the Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle comes on when the transmission is in Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle, there may be a problem with the Cross Traffic Monitor system. Do not use the system and have your vehicle checked by a dealer.

If the display remains the same with the transmission in Honda CR-V. When the System Detects a Vehicle, there may be a problem with the rear camera system and the Cross Traffic Monitor system.

Do not use the system and have your vehicle checked by a dealer.

    How the System Works

    The system activates when: The power mode is in ON. The Cross Traffic Monitor system is turned on. The transmission is in . Your vehicle is moving at 3 mph (5 km/h) or lower...

    Cross Traffic Monitor On and Off

    You can switch on and off the system using the audio/information screen. Select . Select Settings. Select Camera. Select Cross Traffic Monitor. Select On or Off, then select OK...

    Other information:

    Honda CR-V 2017-2025 Owner's Manual: Switching the Display


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